Just a walk in the park
Just 10 minutes of physical activity a day can have a positive impact on our health.

Being physically active has a variety of benefits for our health and wellbeing and we can move are encouraging everyone to get moving, even if it is for just ten minutes a day.
When we think of doing exercise, many of us think of running a 10k or a session in the gym, but being active includes any activity that requires us to move. Whether it’s walking, running, swimming, gardening, dancing or taking part in a sport, it is all counted as physical activity and has a positive effect on our health and wellbeing.
Almost one in four people in Gloucestershire are not getting enough exercise each day. The Chief Medical Officer’s recommendation is to do 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes vigorous activity per week – this sounds pretty daunting which is why we can move want to help people make small steps toward a more active future by starting with just ten minutes a day. In fact, it is those small steps at the start that make the biggest difference to our health and wellbeing.
Ten minutes of daily physical activity can have a positive effect on our health. Including:
- Reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer
- Improves mental health
- Builds strength and our ability to live independently for longer
- lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.
There are many ways to add activity into our daily routine, some of which you might already be doing. Here are some top tips and ideas:
- Go for a short walk round the block or your local park
- Walk or ride to work or school or if you get the bus, get off one stop earlier
- Usually take the lift? Take the stairs if you can
- If you spend most of your day sitting down, try some chair exercises and if you work at a desk, get up and move around on your break or try a walking meeting
- Doing the food shopping? Park further away from the supermarket doors and carry your shopping back to the car
- Try to do some muscle and bone strengthening, like gardening or balance activities
- Have a go at a short online workout – there are lots out there. Take a look online for something that interests you.
Tom Beasley, Chief Executive Officer at Active Gloucestershire and supporter of we can move said: “Being physically active doesn’t have to be difficult and time consuming. By tagging on small amounts of activity onto our current daily routine, we can improve our health whilst we are on the go.
“Whatever activity you try, starting with just ten minutes can have a positive effect on your health and wellbeing. Once those ten minutes become easier, you can add a little more on each time – but make sure you take it one step at a time.”
We can move, a social movement that supports people to get active, no matter their age or ability, brings together organisations, communities, sports and activity providers and individuals in a bid to reduce inequalities and encourage people to get active.
We can move aim to create a county where it is easy and normal to be active and by working together, want to help people get active in a way that suits them.
For more helpful tips and advice on getting started with physical activity and adding activity to your daily routine, go to www.wecanmove.net
If you are an organisation, community group, sports club, activity provider, fitness or health professional and would like to join the movement to help others get active, go to Join The Movement | Increase Physical Activity Opportunities | We Can Move or get in touch at hello@wecanmove.net