Street Games: 1000 voices report
The wider benefits that come from being active and engaging in sport and physical activity are universally recognised. However, young people growing up in low-income households and in under-served communities often experience inequalities of opportunity & participation. The underlying causes and issues of these broader inequalities are complex – some of the resulting barriers are ‘material’ (e.g. cost, transport, access to facilities) whilst others are deeply
psychological. Some issues have certainly been made worse by the pandemic and the current cost of living crisis. As such there is certainly no one-size-fits-all solution.
In order to better understand the key issues and the similarities and differences amongst young people from lowincome households, StreetGames commissioned Platypus Research to undertake a segmentation study. This included undertaking a survey with 1,000 young people aged 11-24
years and a qualitative on-line forum to gather further insight and ‘sense check’ the segments created.
This document provides some of the initial headline findings from this research and an introduction to the seven young people segments developed.