Podcast: Advocating for inclusive activity: Learning from the Get Out Get Active programme

06th August 2024 | Lizzie Homer | Adults, Equality, diversity and inclusion, Gloucestershire, Kids, Older people, Resource, Teens

At Active Gloucestershire, we believe that disability or a health condition shouldn’t stop anyone from enjoying an active life.

Disabled people and those with health conditions really stand to benefit from being more active. We know that disabled people are half as likely to be physically active, yet 4 out of 5 would like to do more.

This needs to change and we can all play a part in making it happen. From sports and exercise clubs to activity organisers, everyone can make a difference to increase the health and happiness of disabled people. 

In this episode we are joined by Helen Newbury (Workforce Lead at Activity Alliance) and Ben Langworthy (Senior Project Officer at Active Gloucestershire), to discuss learning from delivering Get Out Get Active (GOGA), a national programme which aims to create genuinely inclusive environments where disabled and non-disabled people can be active together.



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