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Sustainability and Climate Change

Sport and physical activity can play a significant role in addressing climate change through various direct and indirect means. Here’s how:

  • Promoting Sustainable Practices:

    Adopting eco-friendly measures at events and facilities to reduce carbon footprint

  • Encouraging Active Transport:

    Promoting walking, cycling and wheeling to decrease vehicle emissions

  • Raising Awareness and Advocacy:

    Harnessing sports platforms to educate the public and advocate for sustainable behaviours

  • Enhancing Urban Green Spaces:

    Integrating green spaces into sports facilities and involving communities in their upkeep

  • Supporting Research and Innovation:

    Investing in sustainable technologies and partnering with environmental groups

  • Promoting Health and Wellbeing:

    Encouraging outdoor activities that foster a culture valuing natural spaces

  • Setting an Example:

    High-profile events, programmes and facilities demonstrating sustainable practices to influence broader public behaviour

Collectively these efforts can contribute to mitigating climate change and fostering environmental sustainability. For further information and resources check out the following links:

  • Basis Resource Hub | Sustainability & Climate Change | we can move

    Sport Environment and Climate Coalition Resource Hub

    An information hub developed by a group of leading organisations in the sport and physical activity sector to help you reduce your environmental impact.

    Learn more

  • Gloucestershire County Council | we can move

    Tackling climate change in Gloucestershire

    All Gloucestershire councils have now declared a climate emergency. The councils’ shared vision is that by 2045 a carbon neutral county will have been created that provides quality of life now and for future generations, having improved the quality of the natural environment. To learn more about the county’s Climate Change Strategy click here.

    Learn more

  • Buddle | we can move


    Videos, case studies and guidance on how your club or community group can introduce sustainable practices across your operations.

    Learn more


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