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Active Travel

Active travel involves using physically engaging modes of transportation, such as walking, cycling and wheeling, to get from one place to another.

Unlike traditional travel methods that rely heavily on cars and public transport, the emphasise is on physical activity, sustainability and environmental awareness. It promotes healthier lifestyles by integrating exercise into daily routines, reduces carbon footprints, and alleviates urban congestion.

By reimagining our approach to mobility, this mind-set not only fosters individual well-being but also contributes to the creation of vibrant, liveable and sustainable communities.

The following resources provide essential insight and guidance around active travel, both nationally and within the county:

  • Active Travel England

    Established to support the government’s ambitions for increased physical activity and sustainable transport, Active Travel England plays a crucial role in developing infrastructure and policies that encourage people to choose healthier, environmentally friendly modes of travel.

    Find out more

  • Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plans

    Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) set out the strategic approach to identifying long-term cycling and walking improvements and make the case for future investment through funding bids and by informing discussions with developers.

    The following local plans have been published and are available to download here:

    Bishops Cleeve LCWIP

    Cam & Dursley LCWIP

    Central Severn Vale LCWIP

    Cirencester LCWIP

    Countrywide CIP

    Stroud LCWIP

    Tewkesbury LCWIP

  • Sport England

    Sport England’s Active Travel Resources

    Sport England recognises that physically engaging modes of transport can offer a convenient, accessible and affordable way to move more. You can access their toolkit of active travel resources here.

    Find out more


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