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Project Support

Developing sport and physical activity programmes, and securing the resources or facilities needed to deliver them, can be a time consuming and at times daunting process. Active Gloucestershire can help guide and support you through the various stages of bringing your project to life. Our team has first-hand experience of developing projects of all sizes and at all stages of the process.

We have lots of experience of researching, applying for and securing external funding from a diverse range of sources, including grants, social investment (including loan finance), crowdfunding, Section 106 contributions and Community Infrastructure Levy grants.

We can help you:

  • Explore project concepts and help develop your organisation’s overall vision, mission statement or ‘theory of change’.
  • Advise on and undertake a range of community engagement initiatives, including workshops, surveys, case study development, public events, and one-to-one interviews with stakeholders.
  • Shape your project’s aims, objectives and outcomes to match the strategic goals of healthcare providers, sports National Governing Bodies, education services, local and national government.
  • Research and put together all the essential elements of a sound business plan, including demand and supply analysis, strategic fit, income and expenditure forecasts, governance and management structures, marketing, branding and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Provide general oversight and leadership of the development and delivery of a project, including sports and community facility development advice.


If you need some free advice, book a slot at our next advice clinic or get in touch.

If you need more support, we offer an affordable consultation service. Get in touch with Richard Fishlock, Physical Activity Specialist for Active Environments, for a quote.

  • Who can I speak with to find out more about project support?

    We’d love to hear more about your project and discuss possible ways in which we can help. For further information please contact Richard Fishlock (Strategic Lead for Facilities and Active Environments) by email

    Contact Richard

Project Support Case Study: Cotswold Lakes Trust

In summer 2022, Cotswold Lakes Trust commissioned Active Gloucestershire to assess the feasibility of developing sport and physical activities at Cleveland Lakes. The feasibility study included a strategic review, stakeholder consultation and funding analysis, resulting in a high-level business model.

It found strong support for gradual development with minimal risk, enhancing the site’s use and enjoyment. Subsequently a Steering Group was formed, strengthening ties with local clubs and National Governing Bodies. The ongoing aim is to support diverse physical activities, from casual walks to elite rowing and canoeing, benefiting all partners and increasing participation.


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