Get Active at Home
Sometimes getting out an about to be active, whether that’s going to a class, gym or session can be difficult and costly. Being active doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money, if anything at all. Just moving more around your home or walking a bit more during your day can make a big difference to your physical and mental health.
There are so many great ways to get active in the comfort of your own home, so why not give them a try?
Try a Free Home Workout
Getting active in the comfort of your own home is a great way to add physical activity into your daily routine. It saves time, as you don’t have to travel to a gym or a class. It’s completely free and many find it more comfortable.
Take a look at some of the free home workouts on the NHS Fitness Studio website or take a look at free videos on streaming site such as Youtube to find something more to your taste.
Active Apps
There are so many apps out there that can help you to get active. These apps provide advice and guidance at your finger tips and many have support forums built in that can help keep you motivated and answer any of your questions.
Take a look at our active app page for some inspiration.
Join a programme
There are lots of health and fitness programmes out there and we have a few on our website that cater to your needs and ability.
Top tips for getting active at home this winter
It’s winter and it’s wet, cold and windy which makes going outside to get active unappealing, so why not get active in the comfort of your own home this winter? Here are some top tips and things to get active at home.
Join a challenge
Getting active on your own can be hard, especially if you can’t get motivated. Why not join one of our challenges such as Take 10 or Step it up. Share your progress with us via our social media and get to know others also taking the challenge.
Having peer support is a great way to keep us motivated.
Keep moving
If you find yourself sitting at home a lot, then try to get up and move regularly and if that’s not possible then even moving your arms and legs for a few moments can help.
You’d be surprised how much activity you can generate by walking more frequently between rooms in your home or even walking a different route round your local amenities. Purposefully walking around shops, malls and even taking an extra length of a supermarket isle can add up, particularly as extra activity this time of year.