What is we can move?

Physical activity can have a transformative impact on the lives of people, including their health and wellbeing.


In Gloucestershire, 23.2% of people are inactive and a further 13% are only fairly active, meaning over 30% of the Gloucestershire population are not meeting the recommended amount of exercise per week.

We can move is not simply another health campaign – we can move is a social movement of people committed to getting Gloucestershire physically active. Organisations, community groups, activity providers and individuals work together to help others get active. We all have the common goal to remove these barriers where we can,  tackle inequalities and encourage more people to enjoy an active life. We want to create a county where it is normal and easy to be active. 


So what is the role of we can move?


Support the individual (behaviour-change-based insights & interventions)

What gets in the way of the least active people becoming more active? What will motivate them to start their journey? We can’t assume we know – we must get out, start a conversation, and use tested methods to gain insights into the things that will really change people’s behaviour.

We run a number of campaigns to help people who are inactive, get active. If you would like support to get active, sign up to the we can move newsletter to get information on activities available across the county, inspiration from others and some top tips on how to make physical activity part of your day.


Build the community (our social movement)

The next circle of support and motivation is the community we live in. Friends and family are vital. But so are schools, employers, religious organisations, neighbourhood groups, social clubs, charities. In fact, anyone who influences the way we think and feel. They will become a movement of people and organisations who want to make being active a normal part of everyday life.

If you are part of one of these groups, please join the movement and help get people active. By joining the movement, you will get advice and support from Active Gloucestershire as well as access to training and resources to help you support others to get active.


Change the world around us (whole-systems change)

The help we offer the least active people must be underpinned by the world around them. We must create a world where our workplaces don’t force us to sit still all day. Where we learn in ways that keep us moving. Where our local travel options encourage us to get out and about and walk rather than drive.

The we can move movement will press for real-world changes that will turn Gloucestershire into a place where being active is the easy choice.

So far, the movement is supported by 43 organisations including Gloucestershire County Council, the six district councils across Gloucestershire as well as key health organisations such as Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group. See the full list here.

We can move is included in multiple county-wide strategies which aim towards getting people active.


Get active

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Cinderford - Can you Beat the Street?

Cinderford - get outside and get active with Beat the Street. The game works by turning the town into a real-life game. Pick up your game packs from Cinderford Library and Leisure Centre and start playing to win prizes!

Join the movement

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Become a Changemaker!

Do you help others to get active? Whether you are an organisation, a sports club, an activity provider or an individual that supports people in the community, if you help others to get active, sign up as a we can move Changemaker and access support, resources and training.

Latest news

Take action:

Help others get active

Do you run a sports club or activity? Maybe you want to set up a class or group in your local area? If you want to help others get active, join the movement today.

Top tips to get you moving

Take a look at our top tips on how to get started on your physical activity journey.

Get advice and tips

Sign up for advice and tips on how to add activity into your daily routine. 

Work together

Connect with like-minded people, organisations and community volunteers to share ideas and best practice. We have networks and forums to share your ideas on how to build in physical activity for older adults and to hear from others doing the same. Join this community of like-minded people. 

Meet the change makers

Inspiring stories of people making real changes to physical activity from all over Gloucestershire.

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Flo's story

Championing movement for young people during Coronavirus.

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Tim's story

Supporting schools to be active during lockdown.

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Goals Beyond Grass

Supporting accessible activity at home.

Get in touch

Are you looking for support or still have a question?

01452 303 528