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Play Their Way – changing the game for children and young people

Why it’s important to for children to play their way


Play Their way is a grassroots coaching movement lead by the Children’s Coaching Collaborative. Play Their Way aims to kick-start a movement of child-first coaches, organisations and people changing the game from the ground up.

Sign up to Play Their Way to hear more about the movement and the national coaching catch-ups

Sport England’s Active Lives survey tells us that 47% of children who regularly exercise strongly agree that they enjoy taking part in sport and physical activity. Which means more than half of our children do not, that’s millions of young people missing out on activities that support their health, wellbeing and happiness.

Active Gloucestershire are supporting a local network of coaches who supporting young people to enjoy being active and to bring the ideas and philosophies of Play Their Way to life for our clubs and communities. Coaches are the unsung heroes in this story and we want to hear yours.


Are you a child-first coach that connects with this work?

Are you a coach that wants to learn more about Play Their Way?

Do you want to develop your knowledge and coaching practice in this area?


All coaches strive to support their participants, every coach sees the impact they make, we want to know what being a child-first coach means to you and help you develop your club and practice to shape more of what you do for the young people you support.


UK Coaching Quote “The Play Their Way movement aims to support coaches to give children and young people a choice in their experiences of activity, create space for them to voice their wishes and enable them to take ownership of their development journey. When you embrace child-first coaching every coach has the potential to transform lives.”


More information

  • Play Their Way Ambassador Network

    Find out more about the Active Gloucestershire Play Their Way Ambassador Network, the aims of the network and how you can get involved.


    Sign up

  • Could you be a Play Their Way Community Builder?

    If you are a Play Their Way Ambassador and want to be more involved, you could become a Play Their Way community builder. Community builders are mentors, and advocates for young people, placing their voices, choices, and journeys at the heart of all sporting sessions. You will take the lead on supporting other clubs and groups to be Child-First coaches.

    Find out more

  • Child-first coaching is an evidence-backed approach which is all about championing every child’s voice, choice and journey in sport and physical activity.

    This is underpinned by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: The Right to Play, The Right to Develop, and The Right to be Heard.

    Be part of a community of coaches, organisations and people driving the biggest grassroots movement to transform the way we coach children and young people

    Find our more


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