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Starting a new club or activity

Are you thinking about starting a new sports club, fitness group or other activity?

Setting up a new organisation can be exciting but also a bit daunting. From developing a plan, acquiring equipment, and choosing the right facilities, there is so much to think about. Buddle has a variety of resources covering everything from setting up a clear vision and recruiting volunteers to selecting venues and managing costs.

Whether you’re forming a sports club or a community group, Buddle offers practical advice to help you get started and grow successfully. On this page you will find some great resources to help you.

  • Starting a new club or organisation | checklist | we can move

    Starting a new club or organisation – Checklist

    Before you get started, you need to do some research and planning. Buddle has a checklist for starting a new club or organisation. It covers essential steps such as researching existing groups, assessing demand, establishing a clear vision, recruiting volunteers, setting rules, ensuring health and safety, structuring the group, securing funding, planning marketing strategies, and gathering feedback.

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  • Starting a new club or organisation - Equipment needs | we can move

    Starting a new club or organisation – Equipment needs

    If you are starting up a new club or organisation, you will probably need some equipment. Buddle provides a checklist covering essential considerations such as determining who will pay for equipment, communicating policies with members, retaining gear for new recruits, exploring funding options, adhering to league rules, and choosing team colours.

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  • Starting a new club or organisation - Facility needs | we can move

    Starting a new club or organisation – Facility needs

    To be able to run a club or activity, you need somewhere to do it! Buddle offers guidance on selecting the right venue. This resources helps to evaluate indoor vs. outdoor needs, necessary equipment, optimal locations, frequency of use, and costs. Find out more about researching local facilities, inquiring about discounts, maintaining good relationships with venue managers, and considering a variety of spaces like schools and community centres.

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  • Starting a club or activity | Buddle | we can move


    Buddle offers online resources to help your club or organisation develop. Take a look at “Your place to experience the wonders of community sport and physical activity”

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  • Sported | Starting a club or activity | we can move


    Sported can offer more advice and guidance on running your sports club

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  • Equipment | Starting a club or activity | we can move


    Check out our resources for more top tips on running your club or organisation

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